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Helpful information to live a life that’s connected and aligned to your truth

Navigating the Landscape of Meditation Practices

Navigating the Landscape of Meditation Practices

In the vast realm of meditation practices, one can easily feel inundated with the plethora of techniques available. It's not uncommon to wonder, "Which meditation practice is right for me?" The answer, however, might lie in recognising that despite the diversity of...

Meditation Essentials Slides & Resources

Meditation Essentials Slides & Resources

Meditation Essentials Retreat Slides & Links Below you will find 3 PDF’s of the slides for the Meditation Essentials Retreat that I run at Billabong Retreat Meditation Essentials Class 1 Meditation Essentials Class 2 Meditation Essentials Class 3 For any questions...

Living Mindfully Slides & Resources

Living Mindfully Slides & Resources

Here are my slides and links to resources that I refer to when teaching the 'Living Mindfully' Retreat at the beautiful Billabong Retreat. For anyone interested in the 3 Keys Program to continue your journey with meditation I’m offering a promotion for people I meet...

Cleansing Essentials Workshop Notes

Cleansing Essentials Workshop Notes

At Billabong Retreat I teach the Cleansing Essentials Workshop. Here are my slides which I use in the presentation for anyone wishing to have a guide to remembering the content. If you would like any more information about it feel free to reach out by email....