What is yoga really about

What is yoga really about

Just a small snippet about what yoga is really about – inspired by preparing for my yoga introduction class I teach at Billabong Retreat
Want to feel more Love?

Want to feel more Love?

Have you noticed when you experience a positive experience like awe, hope and amusement it feels great, but when that experience is shared with someone the experience seems to be elevated, why? well according to Dr Barbara Fredrickson (World renowned researcher of...
Is the goal to feel happy all the time?

Is the goal to feel happy all the time?

Since I’ve started telling people that I am studying positive psychology it’s been interesting to notice a common remark: “Oh so is the goal to always feel happy?”. Now I’m a big advocate of balance so I was happy to read that nobody in positive psychology advocates...
What follows positivity

What follows positivity

I’m currently undertaking a positive psychology course and while it’s been fascinating in so many ways one of the big moments of insight came when I learn’t that being positive had a lot more to offer then just feeling good. Firstly I understood that there is a whole...