What Causes Blocks?
Chakras become blocked by the unresolved difficulties you have encountered on your journey, especially those that happened in your childhood. You might have encountered too much of one thing or too little of another and the methods you developed to manage these difficulties shaped your personality. You would have developed lifelong patterns of defences designed to protect yourself, and you would have done this by either increasing your energy on a particular level to deal with the issue, or decreased it in order to avoid the issue, these become lodged into the chakras as coping mechanisms that persist in adulthood even though you might not be in those situations now. So that is why we talk about your chakra becoming either excessive – fixated or your chakra became deficient – habitually avoids a particular level.
Eg. Dominating Parent – Excessive third Chakra: Becoming a bully, Deficient third Chakra – passive or avoids confrontation.
Eg. To survive discord or danger in your surroundings, – Excessive 6th Chakra – active imaginative fantasy life, Deficient 6t Chakra – shut down to avoid unpleasant memories, images
Energy Flow – Excessive Chakra – Crowded – Stagnant Energy – traffic Jam – hold on too tight need to let go and release
Deficient Chakra – Constricted, a road too narrow to permit easy access. – Undernourished and need to let go and receive energy.
For example, if you often went hungry or lived in fear of being hungry you may have learnt to overeat as a compensation – an excessive first chakra response, or you may have decided you have no interest in food becoming anorexic a deficient first chakra response.
And the best way to work with them is experiential. With meditations, movement and simple rituals.
Below is a list of possible Excessive Characteristic and possible Deficient Characteristics for each Chakra.


Excessive Characteristics: Heaviness, Sluggish, Monotomy, Obesity, Hoarding, Materialism
Deficient Characteristics: Frequent Fear, Lack of Discipline, Restless, Underweight, Spacey,
to be continued…

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