The Base Chakra – the Muladhara Chakra corresponds to the element earth – the foundation from which all life springs – It is seen as your root support and is located at the base of the spine. This is the base chakra that connects you to Mother Earth and gives you a strong stable foundation on which to build the rest of your life.

It’s also quite literally related to your roots in that it ties you to your birth family and your ancestors. This is the first chakra to develop – it is how we learned to live in a body, be part of a tribe and survive.

It relates to your physical embodiment so it’s very much linked to your overall health and vitality. It is also linked to your ability to manifest physical things such as money, good health, work, family, and a home. It’s connected to your sense of feeling safe and secure and your feeling of belonging in your body, with your tribe and on this planet.

Base Chakra Qualities
Location: Base of the Spine /Coccygeal Plexus/tailbone
Colour: Red
Sense: Smell
Seed Sound: Lam
Element: Earth
Central Issue: Survival
Goals: Stability, Grounding, Physical Health, Prosperity, Trust
Rights: To have, to be here
Developmental Stages: Womb to 12 months
Identity: Physical Identity – Self Preservation
Demon: Fear
Excessive Characteristics- Heaviness, Sluggish, Monotomy, Obesity, Hoarding, Materialism
Deficient Characteristics: Frequent Fear, Lack of Discipline, Restless, Underweight, Spacey,
Sanskrit Word: Muladhara – Root Support – like a tree, keep you safe and grounded

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