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Helpful information to live a life that’s connected and aligned to your truth

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the seventh chakra and it is at the top of the "chakra ladder" which starts from the root chakra that grounds us on the Earth and progresses upward to the Sahasrara which connects us with the universe and the Divine source of creation. ...

Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Located in between the brows, the third eye chakra or ajna is the sixth of your seven chakras. The Sanskrit name translates to “perceiving” or “command”, which is a fitting name for this chakra, as the third eye chakra is responsible for how you perceive the world....

Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is found at the center of the neck on the throat level. It is the fifth chakra and the passageway for energy between the head and the lower parts of the body. The throat chakra’s function is guided by the principle of communication and expression....

Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra, or Anahata in its original Sanskrit name, colors our life with compassion, love, and beauty. Driven by the principles of transformation and integration, the fourth energy center is said to bridge earthly and spiritual aspirations. Explore what makes...

Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus

Above your navel and just below your sternum is your solar plexus chakra, the center of the energy associated with ego. This is the source of personal power, self-belief and self-worth. Your solar plexus chakra is activated: • anytime you muster the...

Mindful Cup of Tea

Mindful Cup of Tea

“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life” Thich Nhat Hanh Transforming your tea time into a meditation practice...