Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Water, emotional identity, and an orientation to self-gratification are associated with the second chakra. Its corresponding developmental stage is six months to two years of age. This chakra is located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, making it a matrix...
How to access which Chakra or Chakras to work on?

How to access which Chakra or Chakras to work on?

What Causes Blocks? Chakras become blocked by the unresolved difficulties you have encountered on your journey, especially those that happened in your childhood. You might have encountered too much of one thing or too little of another and the methods you developed to...
Base Chakra Muladhara

Base Chakra Muladhara

The Base Chakra – the Muladhara Chakra corresponds to the element earth – the foundation from which all life springs – It is seen as your root support and is located at the base of the spine. This is the base chakra that connects you to Mother Earth...
The Creation of the Chakra Series

The Creation of the Chakra Series

The creation of the Chakra series came from a time away in a solo retreat. I find this is where my best work usually comes about, and sure enough, as I meditating with a question of how to create in order to serve. What to create that will not only be beautiful but...